Discreet Investigation Services

Information To Give Your Private Investigator To Help Them With Your Case


1. Get a good understanding of the suspects schedule, whether a divorce matter, child custody, or insurance fraud, having an outline of the subject's schedule when you call a private investigator will give the investigator a good idea on where to get started with the case. Make notes based on what you know, what you have seen, or what they have told you about their daily schedules or routines. For instance, things such as:

 These may not seem important, but this information will help a trained private investigation agency to coordinate an effective schedule for the case.

2. Patterns are also very important. Make note of certain patterns the subject may have as these may indicate something to the private investigator. For example, a subject that excessively cleans their car, or is very particular about where their dirty laundry goes, or even excessive gym time.

These do not guarantee a particular outcome, but they can help give the private investigator more background on the subject.

3. Keep a written log for yourself so that your notes don't get confused or explained incorrectly. Be sure to keep dates within the notes so that the investigator can look for patterns.

4. Lastly, listen to the investigator, as they will provide a different point of view on the subject. They will be able to apply their experiences and expertise to the situation. 


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